Serving The Community
A thriving body with Members of both sexes with much to offer the community of Cowes.

Cowes Rotary Club was first formed in the 1920’s, the Club was closed during the Second World War and was not restarted until 1965. Now it is a thriving body with Members of both sexes and has much to offer the community of Cowes. Visitors are assured of a warm welcome.

The Club is twinned with the Rotary Club of La Rochelle, France with whom there is a lively programme of mutual visits.

If you would like to know more contact the Secretary on 01983 297472 or

Can Anyone become a rotarian?

Yes. Rotary does not discriminate by race, gender or religion. So if interested contact Cowes Rotary Club Secretary John Hamar. E:mail

What happens at meetings?

At fellowship meetings we enjoy a meal and the companionship of other Rotarians. We discuss and plan activities and projects at monthly business meetings and at others we invite speakers to address us on a wide range of topics. To find out more about meetings please visit our website.

How do i join?

New members are always very welcome. You can ask any Rotarian to put your name forward to the club secretary. If you don’t know any Rotarians, contact the club secretary and arrange to visit us and see what happens for yourself. We meet every Thursday at 6.30 at the New Holmwood Hotel, Cowes

What will be expected of me?

  • Rotary Motto: "Service Above Self". Rotary members uphold values of honesty, fairness, and friendship.
  • Contributions: Members contribute to activities like club administration, fundraising, and service projects.
  • Meetings: Rotarians are encouraged to attend weekly meetings with reasonably relaxed attendance rules.
  • Sociable and Enjoyable: Rotary emphasizes sociability and enjoyment, encouraging members to have fun.

What does membership cost?

  • Annual Subscription (2018/19): £100, payable in two instalments.
  • Weekly Meeting Costs: Members participate in weekly meetings, which may include meals.
  • Non-Monetary Cost: Beyond financial contributions, members invest their time and dedication in Rotary activities.

Community Groups Supported by Cowes Rotary

Cowes Rotary has helped numerous community groups in the past year, not just with financial assistance but with manpower. In total we donated around £4500. Here are some of the people and projects we have helped.

  • Seniors Out Christmas Lunch
  • Manpower and organisational support for Mountbatten’s Walk the Wight
  • Gurnard Football Club strip
  • Ellen McArthur Trust
  • Cowes Primary School Garden
  • Shoeboxes for Romania
  • Association of Sail Training Organisations’ Small Ships Race, Cowes
  • Young Enterprise/Dragon’s Den prizes
  • Wessex Cancer Trust
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
  • St George’s School
  • Cowes Primary School Lollipop scheme
  • Medina Park Minibus Fund
  • Support for Cowes Academy student visit to Yukon
  • St Mary’s Church, Cowes
  • Isle of Wight Youth Concert Band