What We Do
Serving the community

Cowes Rotary club is a small club that meets every Thursday at the New Holmwood Hotel in Cowes. At the meetings we not only enjoy a good meal and fellowship but use this time to plan our events and other business.

Some of our events are supporting other charities such as the Earl Mountbatten Hospice with events such as Walk the Wight and Barton Manor craft fares where marshals are required, an essential part to these events. The club also invites local organisations to apply for funding for their individual projects such as ability dogs, Sailability, Ellen Macarthur Trust amongst others.

These are all looked at individually and grants are made where appropriate. Other events we organise are seniors out where we arrange Christmas Lunch for those that may not be so fortunate at that time of year. There are also international projects that we get involved in such as the eradication of polio, the shoe box appeal. For Young Enterprise Cowes Rotary provide prise money to for the Dragons Den event held by Rotarian Jamie Busby this is part of the schools Young Enterprise calendar. There are many more things the club gets involved in either financially or simply supply much needed man power for events to operate.

Rotarys Greatest Achievement

Since 1978, Rotary has led the battle against polio in partnership with the World Health Organisation and more recently with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and has raised over $1 billion with a commitment to continue till 2020. Worldwide, cases have plummeted from 350,000 per year to just 20 in 2017; but outbreaks continue where immunisation programmes have collapsed because of war or natural disaster.

12 reasons to become a Rotarian

  1. Friendship. Rotary is friendly! Join for friendship and fellowship.
  2. Business Development. Rotary is a great network reaching a cross section of business and people in all walks of life.
  3. Raising Horizons. Rotary offers contact with and development amongst a great variety of people.
  4. Leadership. Rotary offers opportunities to serve in motivation, influence, and leadership.
  5. Citizenship. Rotary is at the heart of communities, and members gain insight through involvement.
  6. Information. Rotary meetings include business reports keeping members up to date with community and international matters, and there are often informative and entertaining speakers.
  7. Public Speaking. Rotary offers members a way to become confident and skillful speakers.
  8. Rotary is Worldwide. The Rotary Badge will open doors everywhere. As a member, you are welcome at any of the 32,000 clubs in 200 countries around the world!
  9. Assistance. Because Rotary is worldwide, a member can be sure of friendly advice if ever in need of a doctor, lawyer, dentist, hotel, or just local information.
  10. Socializing. Rotary can be a great way to get to know and be known if you move into a new community. Younger members will enjoy picking up social skills to be more at ease meeting new friends.
  11. Service. Rotary is a Service Organization; members have the opportunity to serve mankind in whatever way they are able or wish to.
  12. Fun. However dedicated Rotarians may be to serving their community or the larger body of humanity, they join for the sheer enjoyment of doing so amongst a bunch of friends. They can take part in all sorts of things; from simply having a chat, a meal an evening out or playing games and sports, to running events and attending conferences and conventions. ROTARY IS FUN!
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